
Barbara Gloudon

Artistic Team:
Set & props -
Michael Lorde
Symonne Coombs

Kirk Nunes

Anya Gloudon

George Howard
Patrick Earle

Grub Cooper

Micheal McDonald,
Donovan Campbell


Freedom Fe Who

When the observance of the 150th anniversary of Emancipation was returned to the calendar of national observances in 1997, the Little Theatre Movement led the way in theatre with the creation of the work "Augus Mawnin". The production ran for ten years (1997-2007) and was performed locally and overseas to great acclaim.

In 2008 it was decided to observe the Emancipation anniversary with a different presentation – “Emancipation Grounding”. It took the form of an open discussion on the relevance of Emancipation and featured Professors Rex Nettleford and Barry Chevannes. The discussion was integrated into the staging of songs and dialogue by the Pantomime Company plating the roles of newly-freed slaves. The programme ended with the “sampling” of a new play in progress by Barbara Gloudon.

"Freedom Fe Who" follows a group of newly-freed slaves now classifed as Apprentices, tired of the poor treatment they received on the plantation, they strike out to find a home in a free village. Led by Taata the group makes their way to a spot of land where they will begin to really live as freed people. Their travelling is hindered byBusha who is reluctant to accept that slavery has ended. As they struggle to gain acceptance and find their own way, they realise that they must all work together to walk as freed men and women.

Photos from 2015 Presentation

Photos from 2009 Presentation