Barbara Gloudon

Grub Cooper

Barbara Gloudon

Movement and Staging
Kevin Moore and
Prof. Rex Nettleford

Michael Lorde

Anya Gloudon

Symonne Coombs

Michael McDonald

Sylvester Campbell

Stage Management
Larry Watson

Directed by
Robert "Bobby" Clarke



Pirate Jack
Pirate Jack

The 68th National Pantomime "Pirate Jack" follows the escapades of Pirate Jack, he is the last of his kind, a bucanneer roaming the high seas. But times have ben unkind to Jack what with a "bruck-down" ship manned by a surly crew who haven't been paid in two years, an eccentric mother-in-law, and a ditsy daughter he's lucky to have his faithful Wife by his side. Unfortunately his loot box is nearing empty so he heads to Jamaica, looking to loot and plunder.

Down at Sea Grape Fishing beach, the fisher folk are concerned at the dwindling fish catch. Something is scaring the fish out at sea... their businesses are suffering, and times are hard enough as it is. Local businessman Mr. Seaside Harry decides to venture out to the deadly Jankro Bay, in search of fish... Pirates and fishermen meet and all sorts of "bangarang" ensues in the regular Pantomime style of lively music, topicalities, and humour.


Cast of Characters
Pirate Jack - Audley Green/ Carlton Butler
Wife - Doreen King/ Jacqueline Higgins
Maddan Law - Faith Bucknor/ Elizabeth Brown-James
Coral - Toni-Ann Fraser / Jasmine Lue

Shark - George Howard/ Ray Jarrett
Mr Seaside - Kevin Halstead/ Ray Jarrett
- Jacqueline Higgins/ Faith Bucknor
Barracuda Bob - Cadine Hall/ Kadeem Wilson
Mackerel Mack - Mark Smith/ Ronald Millwood
Merickan, Rusty Nail, Ole Panniard - Ronald Millwood, Kadeem Wilson, Carlton Butler/Audley Green
Headline - Kishawna Gordon/Sharon Edwards
Fish Pot - Recordo Redwood/ Cartlton Butler
Stormy Weddah - Clayton Lynch/ George Howard

Maisie, Melba, Maxine - Sharon Edwards, Tamara Campbell, Nicole Taylor
Pelly & Belly - Ray Jarrett, Elizabeth Brown James

Supporting Characters: Phylea Carley, Jasmine Lue, Natalie Simpson, Yanique Taylor, Passionique Weller

Musical Numbers
Act 1

Come down a Seaside
I am Pirate Jack
A Weh de Fish Deh?
Pay We Wi Money
Nah Gie Up
Build up de Fire

Act 2

The Life of A Fish
Tun Yuh Hand
Keep Away from Jankro Bay
Rob and Plunder
Finale: Good to Go

Calvin “Bubbles” Cameron - Leader/Trombone
Joan Phillips- Keyboards
Simone Fletcher - Piano
Kismet Cooper- Piano
Calvin Mitchell - Percussion
Oneil Clayton- Percussion
Cleveland Manderson - Guitar
Trevor Thompson- Bass
Jermaine Gordon - Bass